MFI Group

MFI Group of companiesis a leading provider of accounting, auditing, VAT & corporate tax services in the UAE. Our team of experts have extensive experience in helping businesses navigate the complex financial landscape of the country, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Accounting is the backbone of any successful business, and our team of certified accountants is well-versed in the latest accounting principles and practices. We provide a wide range of services, including bookkeeping, financial statement preparation, and budgeting, to help businesses of all sizes stay on top of their finances.

Auditing is essential for maintaining the integrity of financial statements and identifying any potential risks or areas for improvement. Our team of certified auditors is trained to conduct thorough and independent audits, providing clients with a detailed report of our findings and recommendations.

VAT, or value-added tax, is a consumption tax that is applied to most goods and services in the UAE. Our team is well-versed in the latest VAT laws and regulations, and we can help businesses register for VAT, file returns, and ensure compliance with all relevant rules.

Corporate tax is another important consideration for businesses operating in the UAE. Our team of tax experts can assist with tax planning, compliance, and representation before the relevant authorities.

At MFI Group of companies, we understand the importance of accurate and timely financial information. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business stay on top of accounting, auditing, VAT, and corporate tax in the UAE.

Accounting, Auditing, VAT and Corporate Tax

Accounting, Auditing, VAT & Corporate Tax

Value Added Tax (VAT) and Corporate Tax are two of the most important taxes for businesses operating in Dubai. These taxes can be complex and confusing, and it’s important to have a good understanding of them in order to ensure compliance and avoid penalties. This is where MFI Group of companies comes in. They are a leading financial investment firm based in Dubai that specializes in helping businesses navigate the complex tax landscape.

VAT is a consumption tax that is applied to most goods and services in Dubai. The standard VAT rate is 5%, but there are certain goods and services that are either exempt or subject to a reduced rate. Businesses registered for VAT are required to charge VAT on their sales, collect it from their customers, and then pay it to the government. MFI Group of companies can help businesses understand their VAT obligations and ensure compliance with the regulations.

Corporate Tax is another vital tax for businesses in Dubai. The corporate tax rate is currently set at 55% for oil companies and will be 9% for other companies. Corporate Tax applies to companies that are registered in Dubai and are engaged in commercial activities within the UAE as of June 2023. MFI Group of companies can help businesses understand their Corporate Tax obligations and ensure compliance with the regulations.

One of the benefits of working with MFI Group of companies is their team of experienced and highly qualified financial advisors. They have a deep understanding of the tax landscape in Dubai and can help businesses navigate complex regulations and compliance requirements. They will work with you to understand your specific needs and goals and tailor a solution that meets your needs.

Another benefit of working with MFI Group of companies is their focus on minimizing tax liability. They will work with you to identify tax-saving opportunities and develop strategies to minimize tax liability.

In conclusion, MFI Group of companies is the best company to go with when it comes to VAT and Corporate Tax in Dubai. They have a team of experienced and highly qualified financial advisors who will work with you every step of the way to ensure compliance with the regulations, minimize tax liability and achieve your financial goals.

you can keep up to date with all the new tax legislation on our social media updates